4C Foods is a food processing and manufacturing company in Brooklyn, NY. Their acclaimed grated cheeses, bread crumbs and other gourmet products are stocked by retailers nation-wide. It takes a lot of energy to make ingredients that kick things up a notch, and in NY City, energy is exceptionally expensive. Deploying cogeneration brings about dramatic savings, generates cash flow and improves competitiveness. The cogeneration system we designed for 4C Foods consists of one 80kW and two 150 kW CoastintelligenĀ® cogeneration units serving two separate electrical services. Recovered waste heat in the form of hot water is used for space and process heating applications. The waste heat is also used to drive absorption chillers to produce chilled water for supplemental air conditioning. The plant was pre-assembled and shipped to 4C Foods in a factory pre-wired and pre-piped sound attenuated enclosure. This simplified and reduced installation costs. The heat recovery and exhaust accessories were field-assembled and piped on the roof of the cogeneration enclosure.